Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kicking a Dead Horse...

To borrow an old cowboy's euphemism.  Joyce asked me today if I hated anyone.  I thought long and hard, and finally told her I hated The Homeless Guy.  I hated the way he is using good and charitable people.  It bugged me for the rest of the day that I hated someone.  The Homeless Guy had taken the place of G.W. Bush in the annals of my most hated person.   Joyce also told me she hated my mother so we were a tough crowd to please today.  Joyce was very mentally ill, though.  I had no excuse. 

That bugged the shit out of me that I could harbor enough rancor to hate someone, though.   I decided that was the new thing to work on for me.  To forgive and to forget.   I deleted all the links and all the numerous blog posts and articles that had negatively been written about the guy.  I vowed that I had a choice in not bearing such malice for another human being.  They always say the best and hardest changes start at home.  I may even send the guy a few bucks when I start getting money again on April 1st, April Fool's Day.  I know he will laugh and see it as a joke.  


jane said...

what ever could your sweet mom have done to arouse joyce's ire? anything or is it all because of joyce being ill.

i like your mom. she's one of my favorite people on your blog.

Upsy-Downsy said...

I am proud of you, Andrew!!!

Cheryl said...

There's only one person that I don't like. I really can't stand her, but I can't say I hate her. I'm glad you'll be working on letting your hate go.

I was wondering about your Christmas curtains. Will you ask your parents? They probably did forget.

Kelly Jene said...

Hatred is a strong emotion. You are taking some really good steps, I'm proud of you. Take care.

simonsays said...

I think what you are doing about your hateful feelings is wonderful. Hate actually makes us feel worse, rarely does it affect the one it's directed toward. Once again, good job, Andrew!

I am so jealous of your Spring - will it ever arrive here in the midwest?


justLacey said...

I hate GW too. What a mess he has made of our country. Do you think anyone will be able to straighten it out?

M said...

probably a good thing to not hold hate in your heart. i can honestly say i don't really hate anyone. sometimes i have flashes of hate but then it dies away. i don't have the emotional capacity to hold onto hate. but then i don't have a capacity to hold onto love either. strong emotions just roll through me and don't stick.

darla said...

I agree with most of the posts above... hate is a strong, negative emotion that can do more harm to oneself than to anyone else. Once you've rid yourself of this feeling, you'll find that you feel a whole lot better inside. Just forget about the homeless guy... altogether. Accept the fact that people are different and there isn't anything you can do about it. And actually, I'm sure there are people a lot worse than the HGuy. I'm glad you've decided to work on this. Best wishes!

Summer said...

Why does Joyce hate your mother?

Portia said...

very cool. that is very hard to do, and something we could all use a little practice in.