Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Dandy of a Deluge...

We just had one of the most vigorous downpours I've experienced in years. I just knew the lightning was going to knock out the power to my house. My grandmother would call this "coming up a cloud" and an electrical storm.

Down the street, it is flooded and these crazy people and their cars are still flying through it sending water everywhere in great waves of the wet stuff.

My father just has left. He was really early tonight and I was elated. Hell, even the Magster was beside herself as well. I let my elation be known so maybe we can have a return visit early tomorrow as well. That means I get to put on my soft boxer shorts and a supple white cotton t-shirt early, browse the web, and go to bed at a decent time tonight.

Now, I just have one hour to wait for my medications to take effect. I use this time in the interim of my medications taking effect to write a blog post. It is a cherished ritual for me. This is my favorite time to write a blog post.

We might also have a bowl of frosted flakes and bananas before bed as well.

"How does it feel to have four days off?" I asked my father.

"Don't jinx it," he told he told me with a wince as he knocked on the wood of my window behind us. "I don't wan't to get called into work in the morning."

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