Tuesday, June 21, 2016

You're Such a Pecker...

I awoke very abruptly to what sounded like something was drilling on the side of the house -- a very loud staccato noise that was reminiscent of a machine gun. I've been noticing carpenter bees hanging around the eaves of my house. I looked up from this computer and there was a red-headed woodpecker hanging off the side of the house -- mystery solved. I hope they are not doing any damage. I am guessing that they are eating the carpenter bee larva.

Barbara's Words of Wisdom

I have a much needed therapy session at noon today. I need to get in the shower and get the proverbial ball rolling or I am going  to be late. I also dread what I consider a long drive to Auburn.

I have a lot I want to talk about this afternoon and I want to hear Barbara's' spin on things. I want to talk about my father's and my relationship. The man just makes me a total nervous wreck. I can feel the tension and anxiety building as soon as he pulls up in front of my house. I shouldn't let something like that bother me so and especially with it being my father.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Your comments on your relationship with your father reminds me of my late husband and his father.

My husband stuttered as a child, but as an adult, he did not stutter...unless he was talking to his father.

Have a good session,