Friday, November 09, 2018

Grand Aspirations…

download“You up, Chuck?” my father asked after calling me at 7:30 am. “Your brother is here and I am cooking a big breakfast. Come over and eat with us before you head into the Humane Society.”

Dad had cooked Clark Brother’s sausage – my favorite sausage in the whole wide world.

“This is a treat!” I told my father excited to fix my plate and eat breakfast.

He also cooked bacon, scrambled eggs, and homemade biscuits.

“I hate to run so soon after eating, but duty calls,” I told my father and brother.

I arrived at the Humane Society a little late and Tracy greeted me at the door.

“You scared me,” she said. “I thought you might have quit volunteering.”

She gave me a big hug and I went back to check on the dogs. Everybody was happy and barking today – glad to go out to the outside kennels so I could start my cleaning duties.

Tracy stepped back into the kennels to talk to me.

“Best friends forever?” she asked.

“Best friends forever,” I replied giving her another hug. “I will always be here if you need me.”

She was her bubbly and chipper self for the rest of the morning.


Anonymous said...

Aw shucks! And here I was hoping to read about a blossoming romance between you two. I guess you know what you are doing Andrew. You all seemed like such a perfect fit. Best friends forever has a nice ring to it, though. Treat her kindly, Andrew. I guess now I can have you all for me! Ha!

Jennifer 💋

Sharyn said...

Work place romances are never a good thing. Most companies discourage them. My friend wanted to work with animals. She set herself up to work for the humane society. She started as a volunteer, then became a paid employee. She loved it. Then her coworker set her up with her brother. And all hell broke loose. The brother wasn't the prize his sister thought he was so after the breakup, my friend's life was made miserable. She was no longer happy at the humane society. She had to quit. She now works in a Pawn Shop. Just sayin.....