Friday, November 16, 2018

The Harbinger of Things to Come?

gatoradeIt was 39° degrees when I walked out of my house to drive to the grocery store. I liked to have never gotten my windshield and rear window to defog. Once cleared, I hit the road heading straight through downtown and then onto highway 29. It’s a straight shot to Kroger from there.

I set about my shopping tasks upon arriving at Kroger. Dad would soon follow right behind me as he lives a little farther away. I knew what I wanted and where it was at. I ended up getting those sports drinks, A1 sauce, and ground chuck. My total was $69 dollars for the night – the highest in weeks.

“Are you getting enough to eat?” my father asked me. “Don’t be like your dear mother and overdo the diet.”

“I’m fine,” I assured my father. “I get enough extraneous meals from you to balance out my nutrition.”

“But you don’t have any real meals in your cart!”

I thought for a moment there it was going to be time for Lean Cuisines, but thankfully dad let the moment pass. I left him for he had shopping of his own to do.

“Nice truck!” I told the fella next to me as I loaded up my groceries.

He was loading up his groceries as well. He just started talking and talking away telling me the tale of the dent in his truck by a PepsiCo employee.

But I digress…

I subsist off of cheese filled Ritz crackers and peanut butter these days just eating when I feel hungry. You’d be surprised how a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter and a pack of crackers can make you feel full for quite a few hours.

Tonight is a respite for we shall eat, drink and be merry. I have that ground beef browning on the stove (Maggie’s rejoicing) and a few Gatorades are quickly getting cold in the freezer.

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