Tuesday, September 29, 2015


o-TUNA-SANDWICH-facebookYikes, that’s what I spent on groceries tonight. Horsefly would derogatorily call this bowling a gutter ball.  I kind of got very carried away and also had to buy a big bag of dog food which was $14. I apologized profusely to my father as we were walking out of the store. 

“A few weeks ago you only spent $58 dollars and you always spend between $60 and $70 so it all comes out in the wash,” my father told me with a heartwarming smile as he patted me on the back as we walked to our cars. “We’ll try to do better next time.”

My father is a wildcard as you never know how he is going to react in these situations. I sighed with relief as Dad then helped me load my numerous groceries into the rear hatch of my Honda. My heart was pounding 100 miles an hour in my chest, though. My old nemesis, anxiety, was making its presence very well known at that moment.

“Don’t forget that I had to buy dog food as well,” I reminded my father to soften the blow. 

whole-foods-bakery-3One of my biggest mistakes was buying two very large $5 cans of fancy white albacore tuna to make tuna salad with along with all the ingredients such as sweet pickle relish, mayo, eggs, celery, and onion.   I also bought expensive cookies in the bakery instead of off the run-of-the-mill cookie aisle. That was my second big mistake – the two packages of cookies that cost $10 dollars.

Photo Credit:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/09/sugar-in-tuna-salad_n_7028186.html

2nd Photo Credit:  http://www.krogerkrazy.com/2014/09/free-cookies-kroger-mega-sale/


glittermom said...

Your not buying beer or cigarettes so I dont know why your father would begrudge you spending money on food...some weeks you hardly spend anything so it does average out...you don't owe your father an explanation why you spend more this time..I know he can be not judgemental About it sometimes...isn't it your money ? Don't let him bully you...

Berryvox said...

I should track my grocery spending just to see how much I spend on groceries/eating out. I probably spend way more than you since I tend to buy a lot of packaged goods.