Friday, September 18, 2015

The Mildly Milquetoast Morning…

20100604dcIt is quiet around here.  Almost too quiet.  My neighbor is briskly sweeping off his porch while he hacks up a lung. Björk’s album Vespertine is playing on my computer breaking the silence in my den.  I have just returned from getting my sodas. Dad hesitated when I asked him over his cell phone if he was at home.

“You thought I was going to get you up something to do, didn’t you?” I asked him, laughing loudly.

“Well, it is my first day off in many a day,” he replied with a chuckle. “I just want to drink my wine and listen to National Public Radio.”

“I just want you to set my sodas out on the porch,” I told him before driving over. “That’s all I want.”

I was glad we are now out of Sprite Zeros and mom has started serving the diet Cokes.  Mom will gather dozens of 12 packs of sodas and keep them in the garage stacked up against the wall. It’s obsessive, but that is how my mother’s mind works.

Helen will be over around noon to start cooking our Friday meal.  I was amiss by not asking my father what she was cooking today.  Mom will call me around 3pm to come and pick up my plate.

I Might Be Reinterring the Dating World…

I asked an old high school friend out to lunch today via Facebook’s messenger.  She keeps “poking” me for a reaction (so does her sister).   She still has her original last name so I think she is still single.  We will find out soon enough when she gets the note and messages me back.  

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