Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The Earl of Sandwich…

There really is an Earl of Sandwich, you know? 

DrugItem_5851Every week we have the same routine for grocery night.  Dad gives me most of my medications before leaving to shop (to steady my nerves) other than my really hard hitting antipsychotic and my multitude of Klonopins which can make me feel kind of drunk and unsteady.  We take those after shopping when I arrive back home.  The Klonopin tends to subdue me some, but I am back up and running in two hours time slurred voice and all. One of my biggest fears for awhile was that Laura would call me after midnight and I would sound drunk.  I warned her my medications have a pretty pronounced effect on me, though.

Let’s Get to the Nitty Gritty…

1426a58ce007cea06f8e0e9ed158e6e0Well, this grocery trip I stuck to my guns or my previous game plan and got sandwich fixing's.  I had a toasted turkey and muenster with lettuce ad tomato on a white rye bread before bed last night. It sure hit the spot, but gave me weird dreams – dreams of fruitlessly chasing Maggie through waist high fields of corn and wheat as Maggie barked mockingly back at me.  There was a busy highway looming before us.

The total tally last night was a whopping $92 dollars mainly because I had to buy laundry detergent and fabric softener. That stuff is expensive.  It was $5 for the Gain fabric softener alone.   I also bought a little $4.99 bottle of Gain laundry enhancer granules that are supposed to enhance and lengthen the good scents and softness of my laundry. I will let you all know how they work and if they are worth the money.

My first stop was to see if those chocolate cupcakes I saw the other day were still in the bakery cooler and they were.  I quickly added them to my cart.  4 for $3.99 was kind of expensive but they are delicious. 

Dad was just walking around the store as I shopped.  He caught up with me and looked inside my cart and frowned.  He so wanted to see those Marie Callendar meals.

“They’ve quit carrying the Marie Callender meals for the most part,” I told my father and they honestly had.

Dad went and looked anyway.  He came back and suggested the Stouffer’s meals until I told him to check prices with regards to portion sizes.  One meal and I would still be starving, and we would be broke.  

“And why do you have all that regular coke in your buggy?” he then asked suspiciously.

Dad says I can get high off of caffeine.  Ah, dealings with the “feel good police” as I like to call them.  I wanted to tell him that Milo’s tea has a lot of caffeine as well.

“They were out of my Milo’s Famous sweet tea,” I replied. “And these 2-liter cokes were 2 for $1.50.”

Dad grumbled something about Kroger not being managed properly as they are consistently out of Milo’s, bread, and many other things by late in the evening.  

My last act last night in the grocery store was to get Maggie some dog treats.  I got her some of those Pupperoni dog treats.  She literally devoured a stick once I was home and I had gotten my groceries squared away. 

Let Me Tell You About Paige…

Every week, consistently, we get Paige as our cashier. She is always smiling and very glad to see us – giving us tips on certain groceries that are on sale.  We have built up a repoire between us.  She works days as a paralegal at the courthouse and works at Kroger second shift.  I asked her why she worked two jobs and she said she is trying to send her son off to a good college.  I thought that was very noble of her and a sacrifice I hope her son appreciates.   It gave me a new found respect for Paige.  

Photo Credit:  http://www.recipes100.com/recipe+roasted+turkey+sandwich

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