Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy…

winamp1Imagine my ultimate joy this morning when I realized I could transfer music to and from my iPod with Winamp.  I haven’t tried the iPad yet. 

I am busily adding music to the computer in my den – all 146 Gigabytes I have on my iPod.  I have no love for Apple’s iTunes and avoid installing it. I don’t want to have to jump through hoops to listen to and buy my music. iTunes was telling me I had too many computers authorized to use it and I immediately uninstalled it.

Another blessing happened this morning when I realized I had six diet Sunkist sodas in my fridge that I had forgotten about. Charlie brought them last night. They taste so much better than Sprite Zero I have been drinking.  I cracked open a can, took a big drink, and a big smile formed on my face.  Now, if I only had a cigarette, it would be a moment of bliss. I guess I can have a Swisher Sweet cigar instead. I love the way those cigars taste and smell. Ah, the aroma and taste of cherry!

The Cornucopia Spills Forth…

Today is another grocery day.  If you can believe it, I still have one meal left from last week and it is a sweet and sour chicken microwave meal.  I did so much better on conserving my groceries this week than from previous weeks. It helps that I haven’t had much of an appetite lately as well.

My saving grace was all the Progresso chunky soup I bought that was inexpensive and filling.  I plan to carry on that new tradition tonight. The chicken corn chowder I purchased was most excellent.  We are going to try Campbell’s chunky soup this week and see if it is better.

Photo credit:

1 comment:

PipeTobacco said...


Swisher sweets are pretty damn good, I agree! If you inhale deeply, they pack a pretty damn good kick in the head too! I had not realized you had rejoined the tobacco fan club. :)
