Monday, September 14, 2015

The Super Duper Shopper…

35[1]“I swear,” my father said tonight outside Kroger as we walked to our cars. “I just knew your groceries were going to be over a $100 dollars. You got a shitload of groceries tonight.”

Dad’s previous obligations got cancelled and he was able to accompany me to the grocery store tonight.

I did get a helluva lot of food for $68 dollars.  I also got a lot of comfort items as well like cream cheese and chives crackers, oatmeal and raisin cookies and Oreo cookies – stuff I normally wouldn’t get as it is so expensive and frivolous. That’s were buying store brand comes in handy.  I also stuck with my Campbell’s soup plan getting 8 cans of chunky soup and I also got 10 cans of assorted Chef Boyardee.   They were on sale at 10 for $10.  I only got six frozen meals tonight and the sharp cheddar cheese to spruce them up and make them more palatable.

“I see you finally got your tea,” my father told me as he watched me load up my groceries into my car. “I complained to the manager on duty about it last Wednesday night. They were losing sales.”

“Yep,” I replied. “I got 5 gallons of Milo’s famous sweet tea.”

I gave dad a hug and then we both headed our separate ways.  I had a trunk of groceries to unload and put away – my most abhorred thing about grocery night.

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