Thursday, September 17, 2015

Let Me Get You a Beer…

pabst-couponThat’s what my neighbor said as he reached into his large blue cooler as I stood to the side of my house and his. Trash pickup was this morning and I had brought down my trashcan from the road and was putting it behind the house.

“Oh, I am allergic to alcohol,” I told him waving him off which is not far from the truth.

He got a quizzical look on his face.

“You sure you don’t want a Pabst?” he asked.

I shook my head firmly no. Alcohol makes me do stupid things like trying to super overclock my computer and destroying it without regards to the consequences.  It completely and absolutely removes any and all of my inhibitions.  I also know deep down in my heart that a few beers would entice me into driving down to the Circle K to buy cigarettes.  Those two are like bedfellows to me.  

“My music doesn’t bother you, does it?” I then used this opportunity to ask my neighbor.

“What music?” he  replied. “I never hear any music.”

I have a home theater that can raise the dead.  That made me feel better as he has been such a courteous neighbor to me. I am sure he would soon grow tired of Lisa Loeb’s Greatest Hits as much as I listen to that album.

Photo Credit:


Rita said...

I figured this day was coming. You did well. Maybe you have rehearsed in your head a few ways to decline such offers.

glittermom said...

Nothing wrong with just saying no don't have to explain anything....

PipeTobacco said...


I am glad you have met your neighbor. He sounds like a real nice fellow. Hopefully the two of you can become friends.


Unknown said...

i would damn well get tired of lisa loeb very quickly, mister. lol