Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Attention, My Mother Has Left the Building…

symptoms-of-manic-depressionMom cycles mentally, but she cycles much more gradually than I.  I have extreme swings when she will gradually crescendo to a high and then slowly decrescendo to a low which puts her in the bed for a few weeks. 

Right now, she is worried about and obsessing over my arm and the very painful arthritis I am experiencing in my shoulder. Mom can accomplish great things when she gets like this, but she can also get things in a tangled mess of doctor’s appointments, medications and rehabilitation.

“Do you want to go see Dr. Martin and get a different kind of pain medication?”  Mom, the secretary, asked me tonight over the phone.

Dad was sitting on my couch when I told my mother I couldn’t take all those pain medications. They trigger my addictions.  Dad frowned and looked very sour at our exchange.

“Your mother is on a high,” he told me with another grimace. “I’ve seen it coming.”

Mom has also been over at my house today three times, when sometimes I can go a few weeks and her not come over at all.  The first visit was to bring me some Naproxen Sodium.  The second visit was to bring me some Tums antacid, and the third was a plate of baked pork chops my father had cooked the night before.

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