Thursday, September 10, 2015

Post Injection Drowsiness and Lethargy…

248My Risperdal injection was early this morning and has left me feeling drowsy and lethargic all day.  I took a long nap late this afternoon and that helped some.  I woke up to loud thunder and you all know how much that excites me.  We have more on the way I hope with a line of storms forming to our northwest.

Mom stopped by tonight to give Maggie her heartworm and flea medications.  Those pill pockets are a godsend.  Mom also had Maggie 6 Vienna sausages to eat which are her prize for being a good girl and taking her medications without a fuss.  I locked Dixie out the back door so their wouldn’t be any squabbles over the treats.  Maggie is still firmly the boss despite our new much, much larger canine addition.   Maggie just barely tolerates Dixie mostly ignoring her unless Dixie gets too close, and that big dog can be the proverbial bull in the china shop.

It is a quarter past seven now so that means the pharmacy has closed.  Dad comes earlier when he works all day and I should see him around 8:30 or 8:45pm.  That will be nice.  I am going to wait for my medications to take affect and will be in the bed after that short hour. I hope they knock my socks off like they can do some nights.  You know me.  I love and live to feel abnormal in a good way.

I had a short online chat with Laura tonight.  She told me she was starting her period and was already feeling cramps and feeling bitchy.  “Don’t bite the hand that feeds ya,” I told her with regards to Wayne.  She is completely dependent upon that man for everything as she doesn’t work. I bet she doesn’t have $20 to her name. She does get $200 dollars in food stamps, though, every month.

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