Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hey Y’all! What’s Going on with Andrew’s Neighbor?

o-PABST-BLUE-RIBBON-facebookMy neighbor and I seem to keep very similar schedules these days as far as sleep is concerned.  We both wake up before it gets light outside and we both head to bed around 10pm to 11pm. 

In a clandestine trip to the refrigerator for a diet Coke, I stealthily looked out my kitchen window this morning. I didn’t want my neighbor to see me glaring at him from inside my house.   I saw my neighbor take a very long draught of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, light a cigarette, and he then returned to his game of solitaire on a table that has now joined his entourage.   He will sit there all day, and not go inside unless he needs a potty break. He also drives somewhere every morning and at lunch which I assume is to get a bite to eat.  He just left right now as I write this. I think he goes to the Waffle House.

claustrophobia“I think he is claustrophobic,” I told my father during the medication ritual last night which was my best guess.

Dad didn’t know what claustrophobia was so I had to explain it to him. 

“He’s afraid of enclosed spaces,” I told my father the pharmacist.  “You will feel as if the walls of your house are closing in around you and you will panic.”

“Your mother went through something similar years ago before she was diagnosed as schizophrenic,” dad told me. “She wouldn’t come inside the house unless I was home and would sit in the backyard for hours until I got off from work.”

Photo credit:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/19/pbr-russian_n_5849262.html


glittermom said...

Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces..

Andrew said...

Thanks glittermom, I had my phobias mixed up and changed the blog post.

glittermom said...

Easy to do there's so many...do you know if he lives there alone?

PipeTobacco said...


You should consider going over and hanging out with your neighbor. It seems like he could use a friend... and it would be nice for you to have someone nearby to hang out with too. He seems like a nice fellow.


Andrew said...

He lives there alone.

Pipe Tobacco,
Thanks for the suggestion, but all the cigarettes and drinking might put me over the edge! lol