Sunday, November 04, 2018

The Circle of Time…

Glittermom asked if I was adjusted to the time and I can frankly say, “Hell no!” I am all topsy turvy and upside down. It will get dark at 6ish here tonight.

I took my meds at noon in which the time change made them an hour later and I felt all woozy and nauseous. It was one hell of a head buzz being so late. I had to sit down and be still for an hour till the feeling passed. My body is like a well tuned clock as far as my medications are concerned. I can get away with taking them a little early, but late is a no no.

Charlie arrived at nine this morning with a breakfast of our usual sausage biscuits – the perfect time for me and my Magster. I had been up an hour amazingly mostly due to the time change.

“Is it ten or nine?” Charlie asked. “I am confused.”

I laughed and told Charlie the correct time.

“Oh dear,” Charlie replied. “This is going to send Horsefly into a fit and a stir. He will notice the change in bowling and cinema times.”

Just Throw It All To the Curb…

I guess they’re getting ready to rent out George's house again. George never came back and got his furniture. It is now all piled up at the road. The road vultures have begun to pick through it for the choice pieces. Maggie was not happy and has sat outside and barked for most of the day at these interlopers and perceived threats. After the movers left, I went into George’s yard and got his nice bedside tables for his bed. I will use them with my queen sized bed in the back bedroom. A memento of George of sorts. So I guess I am as bad as the road vultures.

Who Can It Be Now?

I drove over to my father’s house around 2pm which has become a tradition between us. We like to get together on Thursdays and Sundays and spend some time together – about all our busy schedules allow. Yes, I know it sounds amazing, but it is true and yes, he started to scrutinize my attire and I surprised him. I was dressed quite nicely.

“It is good to see you take some pride in yourself,” he told me.

I got Old Fuss and Feathers to look up that Men at Work video Who Can It Be Now? on YouTube and told him this was how my mother and I were about the front door and visitors.

“You’d have to be schizophrenic to really understand,” I told him with a laugh.

He loved it and laughed and laughed.

“I loved the Martian knocking on the door,” dad told me. “That would be very much akin to your grandmother visiting according to your late mother.”

1 comment:

glittermom said...

That song is so appropriate. Made me smile.