Wednesday, April 06, 2016

My Main Problem is Psychosomatic...

  1. (of a physical illness or other condition) caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress.
    "her doctor was convinced that most of Edith's problems were psychosomatic"
    synonyms:(all) in the mind, psychologicalirrationalstress-relatedstress-induced,subjectivesubconsciousunconscious
    "psychosomatic illnesses can produce very real physical symptoms"
    • of or relating to the interaction of mind and body.

I'm dwelling on my fears today. I feel out of sorts and anxiety is soon to follow.

"Come and sit with me awhile and we will talk," my mother told me over the phone after I explained to her what is happening with me today. "You can sit in the chair while I lay in the bed."

"Dad will say I got you stirred up and will be angry with me," I replied.

"Well, come if you feel like it," mom said sleepily and she got off the phone.

I tried to call my father to see if he wouldn't let me come take my medications early. He didn't answer the phone. He knows the game and is probably taking a nap at this moment unwilling to fool with my usual mental trifles.

Is there really anything wrong with me mentally, or is it just all in my head? I know my father is home so I get it in my head that I need my medications early today. If he were at work, then I would just be forced to wait without any other option. I would never impose on Charlie in such a situation even though he keeps some of my medications in his car for situations like last night.

A Positive Ending...

I am going to do my best for Maggie's sake to wait until my father's arrives tonight to take my medications. I already feel better having this thought in mind. She will not see him if I get my medications this afternoon.  It is one of the highlights of her existence to see him or Charlie nightly.

I just got off the phone with my father after explaining the situation.

"We all have good days and bad days," he said. "You don't ask for those medications early very often. Try to wait until tonight and I will help you put Maggie's drops in her eyes."

1 comment:

glittermom said...

It's sad to think you can't see your mother for comfort for fear your father will get upset.