Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Storm Has Passed...Where is He?
Dear God! He likes to make me sweat! I thought my father would never, ever arrive tonight.  I was getting nervous and starting to experience a little withdrawal from my medications. Mom usually calls me to let me know he left their house headed for me, but she oddly didn't call tonight. My father's arrival was a surprise of sorts. I knew he was coming, just not when. You bet I was looking out this window to see what cars were passing looking for my father to glide up in front of my house like a ship pulling into port.

Maggie had completely given up on him and you can see in the picture below what she was doing. She was snoozing away.

Dad did bring a large container of chicken and dumplings which made up somewhat for his late arrival. They were absolutely delicious along with the two frozen biscuits I cooked in my toaster oven and slathered with butter.

"I had all that Bar-B-Qued chicken left from your birthday meal and I hated to let it go to waste," he told me. "We are going to be having chicken dishes for a few more days."

Now, I am just waiting for my medications to take effect which will be about another hour since I ate last hour. It takes longer for them to soak in when I eat like that, but I sure can feel it when it does. It is like a kick in the ole derriere. The food was just too good to let it linger languishing on the back of my piano where dad put it when he arrived. It was also still good and hot.

Dad noticed tonight that I don't smoke cigars like I did cigarettes.  They are to be savored for their aroma and flavor. A pack of cigars can last me about a week. Geez, I smoked 40 cigarettes a day easily years ago. My father thinks the nicotine helps with my symptoms and buys the cigars for me occasionally. He read a study in a peer reviewed journal where 95% of all schizophrenics smoke.

second image credit:

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