Friday, April 15, 2016

The Day is Winding Down...

I was firmly ensconced in my warm, comfortable bed about 10 pm last night. My bed felt so very good. I was fast asleep as soon as Maggie got situated at my feet and my head had firmly hit the pillow. Maggie and I are still sleeping in the front bedroom. I got so sleepy I could barely stay awake after my father gave me my medications about 9 pm.  I slept until after lunch today which is becoming more and more common for me. The Magster just absolutely adores and loves it when we do that. She is asleep up against my pillow as I write this. Her eye looked much, much better today so we decided to call off the veterinarian visit for her sake and see how she looks tomorrow. Which reminds me I need to go put a drop in her eye for the evening. (done)

Dad is cooking vegetable beef soup and cornbread for supper. It is Charlie's wife's recipe and it is super delicious. Mom called and asked if I wanted any.

"Why sure!" I exclaimed over the phone excitedly.

Who am I to pass up some of my father's wonderful homemade cooking? Mom said she would send a Tupperware bowl of soup and some cornbread. It will make for a great lunch tomorrow.

It is 7:41 pm as I write this and that means about an hour to go before my father arrives. I would love for him to come earlier and to not make me wait. I've had a tough day mentally which thankfully happens less and less and I hope to take my medications and put this one in the books as they say. A wave of relief will envelop me almost an hour after I take them. I almost had one of my classic anxiety attacks this evening and it scared the bejebus out of me. In a grand old world, I would take my medications and get to feeling much better, but my world doesn't work that way. I will never, ever get in the situation again of someone having control of my medications.

We had a really good and steady rain this evening. It rained for hours and I could hear it tap, tap, tapping on the overhangs and stoop of my house. I took some solace in that. The whole world seemed to slow down and take it easy after the rain started. The catbirds whom pepper my neighborhood took a break from their incessant songs for a mate I noticed.

I managed to finish most of the crossword puzzle dad sent me home with. He called and asked how far I got.

"I've got most of the puzzle finished!" I replied.

He wants to look at it when he gets here to see if we can brainstorm on the missing words. I see now why he likes them. They are truly a lot of fun.

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