Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Panties in a Twist...

I don't mind visitors as long as they are mindful that I sleep until noon and might not be receiving visitors at an ungodly 9am. Yes, the rest of the world is against me! Damn you!

I heard a loud knock on my door this morning. Maggie and I slept in the front bedroom last night curled up on that little twin bed. I looked out the window to see two Mexicano looking folks at my door, They were passing out flyers and coupons for a new Mexican restaurant that has just opened in town. Good idea. Just not at 9am in the morning.

Maggie went absolutely apeshit bananas and I couldn't go back to sleep after all of that. Maggie certainly got her panties in a twist. She barked viciously for about 30 minutes. Maggie's a pretty good judge of character so I am glad I didn't answer the door. They left the flyer and coupons just inside my screened door.

So, What Are You Doing Now Andrew?

I am so glad you asked! I currently have a huge pot of spaghetti meat sauce bubbling away on the stove. Maggie is sitting on the back of couch ready to greet anybody brave enough to knock on the door. She has just eaten her bowl of tapioca pudding and antibiotics. The smell of that spaghetti sauce after cooking two hours is absolutely intoxicating,  I am about ready to boil my spaghetti noodles al dente. I usually cook my Kroger thin spaghetti noodles for 10 minutes and they turn out perfect.


Rita said...

It sounds like you need a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign for your front door for when you are sleeping. Of course, for me, I would leave it up 24/7! LOL!

Summer said...

Put a no soliciting sign on your front door. Works like a charm here.