Sunday, April 24, 2016

Post Tired Papa...

Dad, bless his heart, brought me more food tonight despite all he's gone through today.

"I know it's the end of the week and tomorrow's grocery night," he told me astutely. "I thought you would need some food to tide you over."

"I have zero food in this house," I replied so thankful at what he was carrying.

I got a double quarter pounder and cheese value meal and two more pieces of cake. You know he has got to be dead tired. He has been going all day. I was especially glad for the exlarge soda being the soda addict I am. I guess dad got it super sized.

The Magster hasn't seen my father in a few days so she really put on a show tonight for my father's arrival.

"Nobody's gonna be more glad to see you than your dog!" Dad exclaimed as he walked across the yard making barking noises and Maggie jubilantly barked back. "You've got Maggie so you don't need a wife!"

"Maggie is my wife," I replied to my father laughing. "She's been known to nag me as well for some nibbles or handouts."

We performed the medication ritual and fed and watered Maggie. Soon, my father was on his way home to call it a night.

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