Friday, April 15, 2016

Right As Rain...

Dad said both my brother and sister called on my birthday. They couldn't reach me at home and called my father's cellphone. That made me feel good. I know we are not close, but I do love both of them. They are very close to each other and actually work in the same cancer treatment clinic with each other as oncologists.

Today is my sister's birthday. We are exactly 5 years and 3 days apart on our birthdays. Dad was reveling me in the story on how I was born last night. The doctor had induced labor and said the baby would be coming soon. Dad poked his head in my mother's hospital room to see how she was doing.

"I was flabbergasted!" my father told me. "She was just casually sitting there in the hospital bed reading a book."

I laughed. That sounds like my mother.

"What are you doing reading a book?" dad said he asked her worriedly. "You're fixing to have a baby!"

"I thought I might get bored while waiting on the baby," dad said my mother told him.

Dad and I both got a good laugh out of that last night. Mom never had any complications with any of her pregnancies. It was just another day on the job being a mother for her.

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