Saturday, May 14, 2016

Expect the Worst and Hope for the Best...
Dad didn't arrive until 11pm last night for the medication ritual. I was afraid to call him as he doesn't like my mother and I "keeping up with his business". Flying through my brain was the thought that he had way too much to drink at dinner and got pulled over for a DUI on his way to my house. I always expect the worst and hope for the best.

When that black Honda pulled up front at eleven, Maggie went absolutely crazy. She had about given up on Papa. She had watched every car pass my house for at least two hours only to whimper when it was not my father. I, too, was relieved that he was okay. I was as overjoyed to see him as much as Maggie.

To his credit, dad did bring me a double quarter pounder and cheese value meal. I ate my very delicious and meaty hamburger and crispy fries while they were still warm and promptly went to bed as it was getting way past my usual bedtime of 11pm.

I got dressed in my normal sleeping gear which is a very soft and white cotton t-shirt and plaid boxer shorts. I then turned the air conditioning down to 76°. "Sweet dreams," was the last thing I  said to Maggie as she lay at the foot of the bed as I got situated in my covers and I promptly went sound asleep about the time my head hit the pillow.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Took your advice. Got a blog. :0)