Thursday, May 19, 2016

New to Food-stamps? Here, Let Me Guide You Through it...
I was just in the Piggly Wiggly picking up a few purchases. I got behind an elderly and completely stone deaf gentleman who was using his EBT (food stamp) card for the first time.

"Half of this stuff can't be paid with food stamps," the clerk apologetically told the man. "You can only buy food with food stamps."

He couldn't hear a damn thing she said. He just kept shaking his head in a yes manner.

I watched as the clerk had to void all of his nonfood items as he didn't have any other way to pay for them. I patiently waited and even offered to help until the manager could open up a new line. It would have been a socially phobic person's worst nightmare and I could feel the anxiety welling up inside of me with much sentiment for the elderly gentleman.


glittermom said...

Poor guy..he probably didn't understand what was going on..

amelia said...

That's sad..poor guy..