Monday, May 02, 2016

Well Done Old Chap! Well Done!

I managed to get a ton of food for only $67 dollars tonight. I was elated when I saw the tally after a few apprehensive and worrisome moments. I stuck to my plan of simplicity and it rewarded me immensely. I got lots of frozen meals of all varieties. I also got two 6-packs of Vienna sausages which Maggie and I will savor in the next few days.

Dad still can't believe Maggie and I eat such a large quantity of eggs weekly. He said in a moment of good hearted repartee that Maggie was going to grow feathers and start clucking soon.

My sweets this week were more chocolate puddings in the 60% larger snack pack. I also got some double slice serving Edward's pies -- Georgia pecan and lemon meringue pie respectively. I will relish those as soon as they thaw this evening before bed.

"When I saw all that food," dad told me. "I just knew you had spent $80 or $85 dollars."

"Oh ye of little faith," I replied as I chuckled. "To be honest, I was a tad bit worried as well."

It was raining tonight so I hurried up, loaded my groceries, and headed home only to repeat the process in reverse when I arrived at my house. All in all, I was very pleased about tonight's outcome.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I hate to grocery shop, but I love to see what you purchase every week.