Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Meals On Wheels...
"Here is some roast beef hash and some cornbread Janice cooked tonight," Charlie said as we both stood at my open front door. "I've got Horsefly at the bowling alley so I have to run."

This was a complete surprise visit. Maggie was also barking so loudly that I almost couldn't hear Charlie speak over her raucous din.

"Has your daddy been by yet?" Charlie asked me as he headed to his Chevrolet across my front yard.

"I expect him any minute now Charlie," I replied to him reassuringly.

"You can then take your medications and then go to bed," Charlie told me kindly.

Soon, my father came slowly pulling up in front of my house to Maggie's elation. I refrained from eating just yet for reasons you all must know by now. It subdues and lessens the kick I receive when I am fully medicated. I will chow down when 10:45pm arrives.

Dad was exhausted from the past few days dealing with my mother's cataract surgery. I reminded him that my crazy med injection is in the morning and for him to please call me around 8am to make sure I am up and going. I've been sleeping to noon most days. I am setting my alarm clock as well.

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