Thursday, May 12, 2016

Would You Want Me Even if I am Not Myself?
I was sitting in my parent's den this morning. Mom left the back door open signaling she was receiving visitors. The Secretary and I were both up early today and I was getting my sodas. Dad was at work I am sure busily filling prescriptions. Tuesdays and Thursdays are his days to work.

"Let's go get a Chocolate shake," my mother told me anxiously.

My father forbade my mother to ever drive on Hwy. 29 again.

"Go on downstairs to the portico and I will pick you up down there," I said, happy to oblige.

"I am really scatterbrained this morning," I told my mother as we had to wait on red light after red light in downtown West Point.

"Then we shouldn't have gone," my mother worrisomely told me apologetically. "I hate you're not feeling well."

"I don't feel that bad," I said in reiteration and clarification. "I just feel really weird to say the least. Sometimes weird can be a good thing for those of us who like to feel abnormal and out of the ordinary."

Mom offered me three Xanax, but I refused and we were soon at Sonic enjoying our chocolate shakes. The Xanax just would've just made me sleepy and out of it in a bad way. I have to be really careful what I say to my mother and do as well as it will surely get back to my father. Mom is like a leaky faucet on those regards.

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