Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Four Way Disaster Waiting to Happen…

chocolate-pie1There are these two streets below my parent’s house that are pretty dangerous.  People are always ignoring the stop signs and blowing straight through the intersection.  I’ve almost gotten hit a few times myself.  I now always stop and look both ways before entering the intersection even though I have the right of way.  Well, it finally happened – a big car crash where someone ran the stop sign and hit this guy in a Ford truck.  The truck was totaled after ending up hitting a telephone pole in the driver’s efforts to miss the oncoming car.

I gawked a little bit, but then headed on to my parent’s house to get my sodas this morning.  My sweet Helen was already sitting on the porch puffing on a Newport when I arrived. She was early for work. I didn’t dawdle, though, eager to get home and get my sodas in the freezer to get them cold fast. 

Charlie did something very kind last night. He’s always doing kind things for me. He bakes chocolate pies every few weeks and he brought me two slices late last night. They are his specialty. It must’ve been 10pm when he arrived not long after my father had left. It thrilled Maggie to death to see him. I hadn’t eaten much all day and decided it would be okay to eat them despite my being on a diet.  I have a terrible sweet tooth and Charlie’s pies are just scrumptious.   Charlie then left to take some more chocolate pie to his sister Polly who lives a few blocks over from me. Charlie is the embodiment of altruism and more people should follow his lead including me.

Photo credit:  http://healthyrecipesblogs.com/2011/12/20/chocolate-pie-chocolate-pie-crust/

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