Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sitting On the Fence…

win-10-9926By now, you’ve probably noticed an extra windows icon in your system tray if you run Windows 7,8,8.1.  With it you can reserve your free copy of Windows 10 which will be deployed at the end of July.

I’m normally an early adopter as far as computer technology and software go, but I am having second thoughts about upgrading to Windows 10.   I was a sucker and went for Windows 8 which was a disaster for Microsoft (they tried to fix things with Windows 8.1).  I hated it and reinstalled Windows 7 on all my computers except one.  It was so non intuitive to use.  I also hated the dumbed down interface fit for tablets.  I missed the elegant aero interface of Windows 7.

Will you be upgrading and what are you thoughts if you feel so inclined?  I’m sitting on the fence for this one this go around.  I also don’t like it is downloaded in the background and then installs.  I want an actual physical disc in case I want to reinstall the operating system again at some point in the future.


diana said...

Hi, Andrew:
I work in the IT dept of a hospital, we use Windows 7 and it's the best version in my opinion. I do not own a Windows machine at home, I use MAC exclusively and beta test for MAC also. From what I have read about Windows 10 frankly I am undecided and will need to wait and see.
All MAC upgrades (which are always free) are done on line, and I'm okay with that. This article might interest you http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-turn-your-windows-10-upgrade-into-an-iso/.

Gin said...

It didn't take me long to get rid of the notification icon. Of course MS manages to stick it back in there after a reboot. :( I probably won't switch this laptop. instead waiting until I get another. I'd rather let other folks tell MS about the problems.