Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Turbulent Indigo…

I just haven’t felt very well since my injection on Tuesday.  I wonder sometimes if it is administered inadvertently incorrectly. It gets into my blood stream through a vein and is absorbed too quickly thus negating its effects. It is supposed to be injected deep into my gluteal muscle.  I never did get that hour of euphoria I always enjoy and that was a warning sign. 

I just called my father and asked if we could take my medications early today and he said he would be over at my house in 30 to 45 minutes.  What a relief and such a huge surprise!  I expected him to balk, but he pulled through for me on this one.  I also expected to have to drive to my parent’s house to take them. I don’t need to be driving today as distracted as I am with my ailing and turbulent mind.


My father has just left at 4:15pm and we completed the medication ritual and Maggie’s ritual.  Let’s hope these medications help and I am a jolly old happy soul in about an hour instead of a miserable old wretch of a human being.  I already feel extremely relieved and more relaxed.  I know it is psychosomatic, but it sure feels better.  Usually, I have to go through an ordeal to get my medications early.

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