Thursday, June 25, 2015

May You Yawn in Peace…

I was starving when I woke up this morning at 6:45am.  I stood in the kitchen peering into my refrigerator trying to decide what to eat.  My sweet tooth was giving me a very hard time so I ate two Activia yogurts.  After eating, I stood on the scales in my bathroom and I have lost another two pounds.  Mom said she could already tell I’ve lost some weight. 

“You’re losing your weight in your midsection,” she told me yesterday. “You were almost getting a beer belly.”

Dieting is hard as you feel deprived and hungry all the time. 

The house was very eerily quiet this morning.  Maggie hadn’t stirred yet so I went to seek her out.  She was still curled up on the bed asleep.  It was cool and dark in my bedroom with a temperature of 77 degrees – perfect for a morning of sleeping in.  My biological clock told me otherwise, though. 

Scathing Rebukes…

An old friend of mine wrote publically on my Facebook page about the Lori fiasco in a complete about face.  She tried to say the past 15 years of my writings were all a lie – that George and Ferret were a figment of my imagination. It was completely over the top and melodramatic to the extreme.

“You could be some 80 year old lady with a cat and not a 43 year old man with a dog,” she said.

I certainly didn’t appreciate her posting all that in a public place where my family could read it.  She should have taken it to my email or my blog comments.  I sadly had to unfriend her. 

If George and the gang weren’t real then I would still be writing about them to this day.  Those were the days I was getting over 2000 readers a day and making over $200 dollars a month with my Google Adsense ads.  One month I made $260. It was the pinnacle of my blog. Why would I quit writing about them if they were fictional? Why would I give up all the money I was making and let my blog fall into relative obscurity? I assure you 95% of what is on this blog is real. That whole Lori deal was a terrible and misguided decision on my part to bring in newer readers, and boy did it backfire.  Things almost spiraled out of control and I apologize sincerely to all of you who have remained loyal to me.


small said...

I wish everyone could move on from that, Andrew. The past is in the past. You've acknowledged what happened and apologized for it.

I just hope you'll come to understand that when you write about your real life, that's the poignant, sweet, well-written, interesting stuff that keeps me coming back. It's RARE. Almost all of my friends have spouses or significant others. Big woo. But you're the only person I know who can write so well about the small, every day things that give our lives meaning. I'm the only person left in my family -- everyone passed away before their time -- and I so miss having them around. Your blog brings it all back for me. I also lived not too far from you, in Georgia, and I'm homesick these days (I left two years ago). Hearing about the south -- the food, the weather, the customs -- brings me joy.

You do what you do as YOU very, very well. Don't ever muck it up by trying to be someone you are not.


Anonymous said...

You're shocked about this, WHY? You didn't appreciate what your friend did? Do you think HEATHER appreciated what YOU DID? You only ran away from your Old blog because of the blog regarding your lying.

Maybe you should realize that what you have done was not OK. Then your friend wouldn't have needed to say that publicly. You've stolen pictures, lied and you think it's ok. Yet you get butt hurt and spit your dummy when someone does the same thing to you.

Andrew said...

HEATHER put pictures on the Internet in wet t-shirts. Do you think that is okay? That's like inviting trouble on the Internet. I admit what I did was wrong. I am not shocked. I was aggravated more than anything because she was always telling me how much she loved me and then went and turned around stabbing me in the back. You are the true coward in all of this by attacking me anonymously. Do you have something to hide? I don't. Not anymore.

amelia said...

I thought your blog was now private and not accepting anonymous comment??

PipeTobacco said...


Have you heard from George or any of the old gang lately? If so, what is going on with them?


PipeTobacco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Billy said...

Yes. I think it is okay. If Heather wants to put pictures of herself in a wet t-shirt on the internet, that is her business. But it's not okay for someone else to take those pictures and make up stories about that person behind their back, especially when it comes to intimacy and their health.

I am not anonymous. If I have something to say, I will say it openly.

Question... Have you heard or seen any of the old gang at all? I remember Dumpster Dan? He was my favorite.


Anonymous said...

You have to be kidding, right? So because she put photos of herself on the internet that gives you a right to steal them pretend to be dating her and labeling her with mental illness? What world do you live in?!

You got what you deserve and with that kind of attitude, you're lucky that's all you got!

I'm a coward? Ha ha ha, well I do not go stealing other people's pictures or pretending to buy gifts for some imaginary girlfriend.

You have nothing to hide? Ha? Why don't you show all your posts about Lori to your father, brother, sister, and most importantly psychiatrist. Let's see what they say about what you did, and if they think it's ok, then they are nuts.

Ps: if you haven't anything to hide why is your old blog closed to the public? Why did you create a new blog then put the link up on your old one.... Ha. Hilarious. Really. You are a joke.

Einstein said...

Hmmm. Seems to be that you're the joke Anonymous. Can't seem to get off this site. Read something else loser.

Jan said...

Oh my...sometimes I forget how brave people can be when hiding behind their keyboards. Let's all move on, people. This guy started a new blog so that friends and fans can move on. He admitted a mistake...

Maybe it's time to monitor comments again?

Andrew said...

I knew nothing about HEATHER's real life. I was writing about Lori and not Heather. The sad thing is that you are someone I know -- a regular of my blog over the years. you hide behind anonymity so as to attack me. You probably post encouraging comments under your real name. I only let peope I knew that would be kind and understanding have access to this blog. You are the real joke being two faced and controversial. Do you think I care about what you write? No one iota. I've blogged for fifteen years and have seen many of your type before -- just a bunch of rabble rousers and miscreants. Go ahead and take your best shot while I laugh and you waste your time.

Andrew said...

You have to be kidding, right? So because she put photos of herself on the internet that gives you a right to steal them pretend to be dating her and labeling her with mental illness? What world do you live in?!

Well, putting up pictures of yourself in your panties and wet t-shirts certainly does invite trouble. That's how I found her photo bucket account. I live in the real world and wanted pictures of a very pretty lady and Heather was it.

You got what you deserve and with that kind of attitude, you're lucky that's all you got!

Is this a threat? Yeah, I lost 3/4 of my readers. How would you punish me? Whip me like a slave until I cried mercy? You seem hell bent on embarrassing me. You are someone I know and you ought to be ashamed at what you are doing here in my comments.

I'm a coward? Ha ha ha, well I do not go stealing other people's pictures or pretending to buy gifts for some imaginary girlfriend.

From this I can tell you have been a long time reader and are someone I know. Yes, you are a coward for these pot shots meant to hurt me -- for hiding behind a veil of secrecy.

You have nothing to hide? Ha? Why don't you show all your posts about Lori to your father, brother, sister, and most importantly psychiatrist. Let's see what they say about what you did, and if they think it's ok, then they are nuts.

They would be supportive of me and realize I made a mistake. To err is to be human as the old saying goes.

Ps: if you haven't anything to hide why is your old blog closed to the public? Why did you create a new blog then put the link up on your old one.... Ha. Hilarious. Really. You are a joke.

My old blog is closed to the public because I didn't want anyone to read what is erroneous. I wanted to start a new and fresh with the past as my past. Now, are you going to own up to your mistake my blog reading friend? I have a good idea of who you are. Tell us and let's clear the air.

Anonymous said...

You are a hypocrite that deletes comments because you want people to think I did not respond.

Don't worry it's all going to be posted elsewhere. And you won't have the chance to delete anything there :)