Sunday, June 14, 2015

Et Tu, Biscuit, Brutae?

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My poor dearest Maggie.  She wanted a biscuit so very badly this morning.  I held fast, though, and she finally gave up on begging and went into the den.  She sat at my feet for a good hour looking for a handout, though.  She is such a determined little soul.  I don’t blame her.  Dog food has got to get old.  I am thinking of baking her some peanut butter dog muffins this afternoon in recompense.

I heard Charlie first this morning belying Maggie’s usually keen hearing. His new car has a very distinctive exhaust note. I looked out the den window and loudly hollered, “Charlie's here!” and Maggie came a runnin’.  She flew off the bed she was so excited.  She was joyfully barking up a storm when she looked out the window to confirm what I just said. 

In Charlie’s breakfast bag were three bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, a hash brown, and he also got me a large soda this week with no ice.  Just like I like my soda.  I relish the soda more than I do the biscuits and hash brown.

“Only bring us two biscuits next week,” I told Charlie as I thanked him for this morning’s breakfast.

“What about Maggie’s biscuit?” he asked looking worried.

“People food is making her sick,” I replied.  “She has allergies.”

Charlie reluctantly said okay and headed to his car.

I still have plenty of Helen grilled steak left for lunch, and dad and Charlie will be by tonight for Fried Chicken Sundays and the medication ritual.   Like I said before,  it is either feast or famine around here most weeks.  Next week, I will probably be subsisting on poor man’s bologna sandwiches by the end of the week and weekend.


diana said...

What about dog biscuits Andrew? Like Milkbones or Pure bites? My mum gives her dog those, aye pure bites are a wee bit pricy though.
Also I read raw mini carrots are good for your dog.

I can only imagine the guilt, but not giving Maggie people food will prolong her life and save on vet bills.

glittermom said...

Dogs don't hold grudges so your fine....

glittermom said...

Get some doggie treat at the grocery store next time and try the carrots...some dogs like them...broccoli too..

amelia said...

You could give her steak or any cooked meat. You can cook her some chicken or fish. Just none of the nasty people food that we all love so much.

amelia said...

And not spiced, just plain.