Sunday, June 14, 2015

Good Words Bring Warm Hearts and Healthier Minds…

i-love-papaThe phone rang and I picked it up and answered it.  I expected my mother as she calls me all the time.  It was my father.  Dad rarely calls me except for like official things like injections and psychiatrist appointments.  I always have to call him for chit chat so this was intriguing. 

“Charlie told me you called him the other day and thanked him for your haircut,” my father said. “You said it was the best haircut he had ever given you and it tickled him to death.”

I wasn’t feeling well mentally today and these words made me feel a lot better.   Charlie told my father I do better now than I have in years.

“Give me about two more years and I am going to put everything in your name and give you full control over all your money,” dad told me. “I agree with Charlie that you are doing better than you ever have.”

My father is not one for idle praise so this meant a whole helluva lot to me – for him to just call me out of the blue and tell me all of that.

“Charlie and I will be over shortly and you can take your medications and feel better,” dad said in closing. “What do you want for supper?”

“Just some KFC, or whatever is easiest for you and Charlie to get,” I replied.

1 comment:

small said...

Isn't it amazing what a simple, kind word can mean?