Wednesday, June 10, 2015

World of WarCraft Woes…


The copy of WarCraft I have is about five years old. I played for a few weeks, but couldn’t concentrate on games at the time due to my mental illness.  I am playing via the free starter edition downloaded off the web now and can actually play which is exciting.  It was a 29GB download and it is only good till you reach level 20.   Well, the starter edition will not accept the game license on my old version of the game.  That means I have to buy another copy of the game.  Hopefully, I can make it to Wal-Mart today to get an updated copy.  I will see if my father will go with me after we fix his car while we are out and about.  I need a support group to make it through Wal-Mart.

Photo Credit:

1 comment:

Berryvox said...

That sucks. I would've thought at least the first version would be free by now considering how old it is and how much they get per month for subscription fees.