Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Careful Where You Tread…

DSCF1337The waters may be deep and you might get in over your head very quickly.

“The airbag light in my Honda came on the other day,”  mom told me with a frown while I was over at their house putting in dad’s headlight bulb.

She looked consternated. 

A rational mother would accept the reply that the light means the airbag needs servicing as soon as possible and may not go off in an accident.  Not my mother.  Mom would obsess and drive my father completely crazy if I told her something like that.  She would bug him till he drove the car to a Honda dealership that day.

“It just means you need to get the car serviced sometime in the next few weeks,” I told her. “Just don’t drive it a whole lot.”

She was happy with the answer and turned around and went back inside through the garage.

“You were quick on your feet with that answer,” my father said looking relieved.  “I froze when she asked you that.”

Dad was amazed at how I changed his headlight bulb.  Mom and dad now have wireless internet which reaches pretty far out into the yard.  I used dad’s iPad to watch a video that walked me through the process.

“That’s neat you knew to do that,” dad told me.

I can probably reset mom’s airbag warning light as well.  I will tackle that tomorrow.  There are videos online showing you how to do it. If it comes on again, then we will take it to the dealership. 

Photo credit:

1 comment:

Einstein said...

Glad I found your blog again. Not that my opinion matters but I read your blog for entertainment and enjoyed the ride. The flak you got was a little out of control for me. It's your life or the life you want. Just keep it interesting :)