Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Nosey Neighbor…

I awoke at 6:45am to the sound of my neighbor loudly mowing her lawn outside my bedroom window.  She is a single lady probably in her late fifties/early sixties.  For the longest time, she didn’t have a car.  Friends ferried her everywhere.  Now, she has an older model Toyota RAV4 which I think is a cool car.  We always wave at each other and smile when we are in our yards.  She had two dogs and now only has one.  They’re pretty much a quiet bunch although cutting your grass at 6:45am is not very neighborly.  I understand, though, that she was trying to beat the heat.

My neighbor across the street is an orthopedic surgeon named Steven who lives in a very modest house and neighborhood.  They just bought the wife a BMW X5 like my father’s car.  He drives a brand new Audi sports sedan.  He also has a new toy – a Honda crotch rocket or motorcycle as some people call them.  We wave every time we see each other.  I know they must wonder at all the people coming and going at my house – Charlie, Helen, mom, and dad. 

My neighbors on the corner of the street have chickens and a chicken coup in the backyard which is against the law in city limits.  Nobody seems to turn them in.  I actually like to hear the hens clucking as it reminds me of my grandmother’s farm when I was growing up.   They have the most obnoxious dog ever conceived, though.  It will bark at the slightest movement of anything and it is a high pitched yappy bark.  They don’t have curtains on their windows and I can see their television and bedroom from where I sit in my computer room at the computer.  Their yard is the size of a postage stamp, but the husband still cuts it with a riding lawnmower which cracks me up at times.

Joyce’s house next door to me remains empty. Charlie says they are asking to much money for the house.  It has been four years since Joyce’s death when they moved her into the assisted living arrangement. She just seemed to give up on life.  I miss her dearly.  She was crazy as hell just like me.  We were two peas in a pod.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Mowing the lawn at 6:45am?!? Ugh. Neighbors making noise that early drives me crazy. I can't believe Joyce has been gone for four years. I remember the connection you felt with her. RIP Joyce.