Monday, June 22, 2015

Sleepy Boy Says Hi…

Well, I managed to sleep the day away.  I woke up initially at 4:30am and went back to bed at 11am and then went back to bed at 3pm and slept until 8pm.  I pretty much wasted my day sleeping.  I certainly feel good tonight and well rested, but will I sleep when 11pm rolls around?  Today is an example on how I can easily get on a stay up all night schedule which is the bane of my existence. 

Now it is time for the waiting game on when my father will bring my meds.  Charlie and dad are currently over at the river house looking at all the new windows that were installed according to my mother.  That river house has been a project of love for my father.  He says he has wanted that house ever since he saw it for the first time years ago.  He made an offer and they accepted and the rest was history.

I did get to see my sister’s kids around lunch.  We used dad’s iPad to watch cartoons and to visit Nickelodeon which had some online games you could play. I also brought over my Nintendo GameCube so they could play it some.  I had a SpongeBob Square Pants party game they enjoyed – ya gotta love SpongeBob.  Dad was overjoyed that I kept them entertained while he fixed the midday meal.  I did get a piece of my parent’s chocolate cake and it was delicious.  Mom and dad bitched, moaned and argued through the whole process, but the cake turned out great. 

I almost forgot, but tonight is grocery night. It just immediately dawned on me.  I am making my mother’s beef lo mien this week I have decided.  I will also once again get that Milo’s diet tea.  I’ve already lost three pounds on my new diet.  Let’s keep that weight coming off!  I want to get down to 175 by the end of the summer.

No Groceries Tonight…

Dad just left. We decided not to get groceries tonight much to his chagrin.  I just didn’t feel like going through that rigmarole tonight, although I had to endure a ton of peer pressure from my father.

“Your mother is going to have a fit,” he said as his foremost worry. “She’ll ask me a hundred questions about why you didn’t go.”

I have plenty of Ramen noodle soup to get me through tomorrow night.  I might feel like I am back in college.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the cake stale by the time you got a piece?