Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mummified bishop is a unique time capsule from the 17th century…

mummified-bishopFrom a press release from Lunds Universitet...

The mummified remains of Peder Winstrup are one of the best-preserved human bodies from the 1600s. Preliminary investigations reveal a sensational find: the internal organs are still in place.

“We can now observe that Winstrup’s mummy is one of the best-preserved bodies from Europe in the 1600s, with an information potential well in line with that offered by Ötzi the ice man or Egyptian mummies. His remains constitute a unique archive of medical history on the living conditions and health of people living in the 1600s”, says Per Karsten, director of the Historical Museum at Lund University.


Bridget Harrington said...

This is fascinating! I always love when scientists find something like this. You can learn so much from what we left behind. Sounds like this gentleman had problems not too far removed from what we have today (cavities, diet-related heart issues). I would be interested to know the identity of the fetus. Was it a relative? His own child? Or the baby of someone who wanted their child buried with someone holy?

Rita said...

There is a mummified pope in Puerto Rico. Who knows why this is something to display, but at some time, the Catholic of Puerto Rico petitioned Rome to have something like this?