Thursday, June 18, 2015

Late to wake…

stock-photo-14324745-eleven-11-00I sleepily awoke to Maggie slumbering by my side and snoring softly.  My blinds and the curtains were drawn so it was deceptively dark in my bedroom.  It was also so wonderfully cool inside my house as well belying the eighty degrees it is in here now.  I looked at the alarm clock above my bed and it read 11am very much to my surprise.  Maggie and I had slept for 12 whole hours.  I guess I needed it.  I certainly do feel better today and I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying that.

Roll thunder roll…

I am very keen on the weather this afternoon hoping for some summer popup storms in our area.  We have a forty percent chance of thunderstorms here, but I do believe that is just the weather service being conservative.  The radar is getting active this early in the day.  There is already some rain popping up in our county. 

Oh my!  I just heard it thunder to the northwest of us as I was writing this!!!!  A big storm has formed over Lafayette, Alabama.

Update 3:20pm:  My weather radio just went off and they have issued a severe thunderstorm warning for my county.  Bring it on!

Awesome Facebook friends…

I wouldn’t visit Facebook if it were not for my friend Billie P.  She keeps me informed and entertained.  We are uncannily alike in so many ways.  We seem to have the same belief systems and outlook on life.  Thank you Billie for giving me something to look forward to everyday.  I love ya, bunches!

Chores that must be done…

I clean and straighten one room in my house a day during the week health willing.  I just tackled my bathroom and my father will be tickled pink.  He used my bathroom yesterday and said it needed some attention.  He said my sink was dirty from shaving and there were pee stains on my toilet from me not hitting the mark.  Don’t you just love the oversight?  I am fixing to go mop the floor in a moment and then I will have a happy Papa tonight during the medication ritual.

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