Sunday, June 28, 2015

Vulgar, My Father Was…

005Well, heir Charlie and mien father have just left after bringing medications and food.  KFC was out of chicken (how does KFC run out of chicken?) so they brought me a Whopper, gigantic Coke, and fries instead.  That’s what mom always gets anyway so they didn’t have to go out of their way.   I’m not a big Whopper fan, but beggars can’t be choosers as the old saying goes. It sure looks sloppy to the right there ------>  They also skimped me on the fries. 

Maggie put on a grand show of affection like no other tonight she was so glad to see the dynamic duo.  I was glad to see them as well.  It was getting close to 9pm and I thought they would never show. Charlie and dad had been trimming Charlie’s shrubbery all afternoon.

Dad was being vulgar tonight, and Charlie said he was about to go throw up in my trashcan.  Dad loves to do that to Charlie. Dad was talking about a woman’s anatomy.

“You had two kids,” he told Charlie. “You had to be ‘getting it on’ to make them.”

“Shut up John now dammit!” Charlie rebuked disgusted

Maggie was hungry and was wondering if we would get around to her very own ritual.  Charlie gave her a big bowl of kibble while I filled her big ceramic bowl with fresh water.  Maggie was starving and ate all her food in a hurry.  I put some more in the bowl in case she got hungry again overnight. 

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Nobody wants to hear their parent talk like that!