Saturday, October 15, 2016

And He Lets Loose the Mother of all Yawns...

Charlie has been by with a barbecue plate from the annual barbecue and fundraiser in Waverly, Alabama -- my grandmother's beloved town of her youth and elder years.

"Eat up or it's going to get cold," Charlie remarked to me as he washed the stainless steel utensils and glassware piled up in my sink.

"We've got to get your dishwasher fixed," Charlie noted.

The barbecue plate has already had a 45 minute ride in the Caprica from Waverly to get here and amazingly the plate was still pretty warm.

Charlie was stepping out my front door to take his leave of me when I asked him who was bringing my medications?

"SHIT!" Charlie crassly exclaimed as he started to nervously laugh. "I have your medications in the car. Your daddy would just kill me if I forgot those."

Charlie scrambled to his car and brought back my blister pack of medications and a cold soda to take them with.

I am still in some kind of dream state from sleeping all day. Maggie was a good sport and slept with me all afternoon. She didn't wake me not once today on one of her flights of dog fancy.

Things were fine as I left Wal-Mart and undertook the short drive home. I walked into the door to a grand welcoming from Maggie. Than? The skies opened up in a deluge. I must have planned that little  bit of choreographry to the T.

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