Tuesday, October 04, 2016

It's All Very Elementary My Dear Watson...

Charlie called me on the way home from work. Janice was having problems with her computer this afternoon.

"Charlie?" I honestly said. "I am really great at fixing hardware problems, but not very good at software problems. I am not promising anything, but will give it a good college try."

Charlie said he was going to call his wife and tell her I was on my way. 

Janice was fretting anxiously waiting for me when I arrived. She is very much like me and we couldn't live without our computers. She spends a lot of her days on Facebook now that she is retired. 

"Janice? Can you think of something you installed recently that suddenly caused problems?" I asked looking at her computer's task manager.

Some program was hogging all her RAM and processor usage slowing her computer almost to a complete stall.

"I installed a zipping program this morning," she replied. (compressed file program)

I reverted her computer back to yesterday via system restore and that solved the problem. Janice was just elated that the problem was so easily fixed.

"I just cooked a meatloaf," Janice told me. "Do you want two meatloaf sandwiches to-go for supper?"

"That would be delightful," I told Janice and her penchant for cooking outstanding Southern style meals. 

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