Friday, October 14, 2016

The Doctor and Mr. Hyde...
Last night, I was sitting in what has to be one of the most comfortable recliners in the world (a little hyperbole for you). It is the blue Laz-E-Boy chair my father bought for me many moons ago for my dorm room when I went off to college. It has held up well over the years with just a few beer spill stains.

Well, I fell asleep for about 3 hours to the soft drone of the television and Maggie's rhythmic breathing and snoring -- long enough for my father to get here, then things went from 0 to 60 mph when I looked at the clock and it read 9:06 pm.

Maggie and I were slow in response and equally slow to get to the font door. Maggie only managed a few lackluster barks of joy.

"You two must have really been sleeping!" my father exclaimed at my poor Maggie's response. "The duchess needs her beauty rest!"

Dad was in a pretty good frame of mind last night himself. We can have a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde love/hate relationship between us for the most part some days. He was very kind last night during the medication ritual despite feeling fatigued. He was also overjoyed that he has today off but he will have to work 3 hours on Saturday.

"At least, it is not going to be a normal 10 hour day," he told me last night relieved.

Some People Call it All Coke and Some People Call it Pop or Soda...
It is 3:00 am and I just have gotten back from my parent's house. Mom had put my sodas on the back porch and she was true to her words. I was careful not to make much noise as my parent's must surely be in the bed by then. Mom knew that I was coming, though. I told her to put them out and I would be over sooner or later to pick up my sodas.


glittermom said...

I'm in the blue zone so it's called pop!

glittermom said...

I've heard people refer to it as soda maybe pop is just soda pop shortened...I've also heard of RC Cola which seems to be more southern...