Saturday, October 29, 2016

Evoke the Auschwitz Mantra...
Now this is more how I like it. About medium well.
Pronto! I evoked the Auschwitz mantra big time tonight! It is like a five-alarm fire going on in here when it dawned me that it was happening. Some cheese with all that wine?

Ungrateful Little Lout!

We had filet mignons tonight for supper. I was going to complain about them being cooked way too rare, but that's nothing a frying pan and olive oil or peanut oil can rectify since I am home now with my meal.  Mom likes her filet to moo once again when it is plated. I makes my stomach do flip flops just thinking about it -- all that rare beef.

I am just damn glad to get what I got, though. Dad also remembered to bring my sodas and smokes which was very nice and very uncharacteristic of him. I didn't even have to ask. During all of this, the Auburn game was on the television and radio and he was trying his best to keep it all together and keep up with the game as well. Auburn was losing at half-time and all the fans were agitated including my father.

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