Tuesday, December 20, 2016

There's Christmas on the Wind...

It was so very cold last night which means it is just frigid in the South  -- so cold I clamored to get all my groceries inside to shut the door to the inside behind me. Wait! Wasn't that a Inuit? An Eskimo?

One after another, I brought the bags inside and put them on my kitchen countertops -- four gallons of milk can get very heavy at almost 8 pounds for 1 gallon.

"Merry Christmas!" a female voice said in the darkness as I unloaded more groceries from my car last night.

It caught me off guard. A dog then barked very loudly and very closely which sent my Maggie into a barking tirade in the den.

I can't see well on a good day so I stepped out from under the light on my porch to see her better. My pupils dilated due to the dark and the person came into view.

"Merry Christmas to you, too!" I then fired back to the now known person.

It turned out to by my next door neighbor, Patty, giving her dog a potty break. We don't see each other much as a line of trees has grown up between our houses in just a matter of a few short years. It was good to see her, though.

1 comment:

amelia said...

-30 here without the windchill. What's your temp there?