Thursday, December 29, 2016

You Sent Me Flying...
Thankfully, our little fit of rain and stormy weather had passed as I walked to my car to head to the pharmacy this morning. An hour before that, I was sitting in my recliner as nature put on a grand show of torrential rain, vivid lightning, and rumbling, house shaking thunder. Maggie slept through it all curled up in her favorite spot on the couch.

The wind was blowing so fiercely this morning that it blew off my Auburn cap and sent it flying across the pharmacy parking lot.  It came to rest against the wall of the ACE hardware store next door. I ran and grabbed it up before another gust began. I then announced to the pharmacy staff that I was having a bad hair day.

"You're right on time," my father said with a kind tone to his voice and a smile. "Go get your shot and then you will have the rest of the day to do what you want."

I want to catch up some on my sleep and the Magster is going to be my partner in crime. She loves climbing in the bed with me midday.

Gluteus Maximus...

My brain needed a tuneup so I headed to Kamath Medical.

"I thought Rogue One was a great movie," Rebecca, my nurse, told me as we sat in an examining room. "It had more of a Stars Wars feel than episode VII."

I also wanted to hear about her two precious daughter's Christmas. Rebecca said they had an awesome Christmas. They are both into Star Wars and Legos.