Thursday, September 22, 2016

Struggle and Strife Do Not Visit Here Anymore...
I had to wait a loathsome hour to get my blood work done, but I tried my best to be a patient, kind, and forgiving soul. Rebecca, as always, expedited the injection process and called me back as soon as I signed in. The lobby was starting to get full as Dr. Kamath was on duty. A full lobby is like an axiom to an anxious disaster for me.

"I know that lobby makes you nervous," Rebecca kindly said to me almost as if she was reading my mind. "You just sit tight in this examining room and the blood work nurse will visit you in a few moments."

I reveled in the solitude and silence...

After blood work, I walked into the reception area of the lobby and Pat had already made my next appointment and she handed me my next appointment card.

"You gals spoil me rotten don't you know that?" I said to Pat with a very warm smile.

Fast Forward to the Best Pharmacy in the South...

My father thought something was terribly wrong as the whole process took an hour. It usually takes 15 minutes. I explained to him that I had to wait almost an hour for my blood work nurse.

"I thought you gave up and drove home," my father dotingly said to me and was very relieved. "I am glad to see that next appointment card. Go get you some sodas and head home for lunch."

Dad asked me what I was having for lunch and I told him two chicken salad sandwiches, dill pickle spears and some potato chips.


glittermom said...

Will they notify you of the results?

Andrew said...

Yeah, and I have to fax it to my doctor.

glittermom said...

Won't he get a copy of results too since he has requested the test?

Andrew said...

I really don't know Glittermom.

glittermom said...

I hope it comes out good!