Saturday, September 17, 2016

There Was a Man and He Was Hastily Stirred From a Deep Sleep...

I woke up to Ms. Maggins going nuts in the window in the den. My bedside alarm clock read 9am. All the neighborhood dogs were barking like crazy as well. I never could figure out what all the dogs were fussing about.  It could've been as simple as a nefariously looking pedestrian walking to the housing projects a short walk away.

My fridge was so vacant this morning that it had an echo in it when you talked with the door open.

"What would you like Ms. Maggins?" I asked Maggie."There are meager pickings this morning."

I cooked us four eggs, the last of our eggs, and some bacon. I cooked Maggie's eggs plain and gave her one piece of bacon. She was beside herself in ecstasy. It is not often she gets people food these days. Especially not bacon as it has so  much sodium in one slice.

The Gladiator's Game in the Great Coliseum...
Today's another Auburn Tigers game. I really wish I could share my father's enthusiasm, but football bores me to tears. I am the odd man out regarding this matter. The game starts at 6:00pm against the #17 Texas A and M Aggies, so my father should be by my house pretty early for the medication ritual. Dad, my brother, and the crew always have big tailgate parties before the game. Since my father is a pharmacy alumni and a source of funds, he also gets special parking close to the stadium.

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