Monday, August 10, 2015

A Peon -- I’m Not Held in High Regard…

kung-pao-chicken (1)“Where are you?” I asked my father over his cellphone at 7pm not hearing anything out of him all day.

I was being inquisitive. 

“I’m taking Lilly to her soccer game in Auburn,” my father chirpily replied as if there had just been the second coming of Christ.

It would have been 6pm Auburn time, by the way.

This will most likely mean I will not see him until 10pm est or later tonight and tonight is grocery night.  I sighed and hung up the phone feeling defeated.  I learned years ago not to be a source of contention – things will be thrown back into my face about my sordid past.  It’s just not worth it.  I live a blessed life and should just be content with how things go for most of the time, and most of the time things go well.

Oh well, let’s look on the brighter side of life and get ready for an Asian extravaganza tonight!  Fried rice and beef and broccoli here we come!  That first bite in a week of milk chocolate is going to be exquisite as it melts in my mouth. 

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Is grocery shopping postponed then? Glad you have food in the house...enjoy your Chinese.....does mom still go out with her friend once a week for dinner?