Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Ride With A View…

06757Dad called me at lunch jarring me awake from a fitful and blissful sleep.  I had forgotten to unplug the damn phone before going to bed early this morning. “Son of a bitch!” I muttered as I jostled for the phone in my underwear. Maggie ran into the hall to see what the hullabaloo was about.

“Veronica’s computer screen at home went out,” he told me. “Do you have one she could use?”

Veronica has worked for my dad for years and years, and now works for the new owners of the pharmacy. She is one of my Facebook buddies. I also find her one of the more gorgeous creatures that inhabit my life.

“I have a huge 27 inch screen sitting in my computer room,” I told him. “I will bring it to the pharmacy when I get awake.”

Just one of the six monitors I own.  Five of which are connected to computers.

I had a ride with a view on the way to the pharmacy.  An absolutely huge and massive thunderhead had formed to the south of us which I marveled at. It thrilled me to death to get to see that. I hoped it would grace us with its presence by late afternoon.  It was truly a panoramic view of one of the marvels of nature.

Veronica basically flagellated herself upon me groveling she was so overjoyed about the new monitor. I carefully set it in the back of the trunk of her car which we all affectionately call the Easter egg. It’s an economy minded Hyundai shaped like an egg in a pastel blue color.  

“Tell dad I will see him tonight,” I told Veronica as I got in my car and drove home with little formalities.   .

Photo Credit:   http://www.nps.gov/features/yell/slidefile/celestialatmospheric/Weather/Page.htm

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