Friday, August 21, 2015

The Bond that Hopefully Shall Not Be Broken…

friendship-quotesTrue friendship is a relatively new and unique concept for me to grasp.  Traditionally, I have always been a introverted loner – my social skills weak to nonexistent.  George was a friend of mine, but a terrible influence upon me. George and I stayed drunk all the time, but I sure was gregarious and social with regards to other people. Alcohol was the ultimate social lubricant. I called it courage in a can.

On that same train of thought, friends should bring you up and not down.  My friendship with Laura is helping me ease into the warm waters of camaraderie – dipping my toe in first. I also try to stay ever cognizant that friendship is a two way street.  What can I do today to make my friend’s life enjoyable?  Are you okay?  You know I care about you is what I told Laura before midnight worried about this whole Wayne situation. She quickly reciprocated. I assured Laura that I would come get her and bring her home if things didn't work out with Wayne.

I raise my glass to and toast friendship and all it entails. May a friend be with you. 

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

jonathan, i've never known you to be an introvert. of course, we haven't talked in awhile. perhaps we should compare notes.